Financial Investment Management Process | Advantage Investing

Managing an investment portfolio is a process that requires a disciplined approach in order to achieve successful results.  Finding that success means meeting the unique goals, objectives, and risk profile of each individual.  While the ultimate measure of success is unique to each of our clients, the overall investment management process is the same for all, and is described here:

  • Assessment of Risks and Opportunities (Knowing and understanding market and economic risks)
  • Analysis of Risks and Opportunities (Multi-Discipline Approach, Focus on 6 Stage Cycle)
    • Current – present day, known risks
    • Forecast/Future – known and anticipated over the investment horizon
  • Application to Current Investment Strategy Allocations (Includes contingency planning)
    • Base, Best, and Worst-Case Scenarios
    • Plan of Action for Each (Including “Apocalypse” Scenarios)
  • Execution of Portfolio Strategy (Based on forward looking assessment)